Sunday 27 June 2010

Day 48 Barcaldine to Lochgilphead 60mls

What tick??
Wild woman of Oban
Corryvreckan Whirlpool

The day started with the discovery of a tick in Taz's armpit. We saw what we thought was a wart last night but this morning it had grown to twice its size and was a horrible grey colour. Vet Ross came to the rescue and pulled it out. Poor Taz did not seem to mind and was in fine spirits today having recovered from her tummy upset.
Stopped in Oban for lunch but ended up having not very good fish and chips. Good places to eat round here are quite rare. Took a minor road to Craignish Point to view the Corryvreckan whirpool, the third largest in the world, but the tide did not show it at its most impressive. Camping at Lochgilphead for the night, right next to the Crinan canal. Had a massive thunderstorm at about 6pm and when it cleared decided to have a stroll down the towpath to Ardishaig where the canal ends into Loch Fyne, which is apparently famous for its kippers!!

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