Tuesday 22 June 2010

Day 43, Resipole to Killiechronan, Isle of Mull 80m

Woke to another fine morning, and after recharging the spare gas bottle, it was on the road to Mull.
Another twisty road through Salen, to Kilchean, to board the ferry, some half hour voyage.
Arrived at the very pretty Tobermory, (the inspiration for "Ballamory" the kids TV programme) where we had lunch at the Cafe Fish. Sea food stew and home made bread Yum! Yum! 
Mingary Castle. An old relic

Another old relic

Colourful Tobermory
After lunch and a tour of the town, we headed for the local campsite, only to find it full.
So, the reason we did 80 miles, was that we continued round the island  looking for a wild camping spot.
After dismissing 2 or 3 possibles we ran out of options, so decided the very next gap in the hedge, or cliff edge ,we would stop. Just as we were getting a bit desperate, we rounded a bend, and there was a few campers on a piece of ground, by the loch, which turned out to be £3 a night (Toilets a mile down the road).

Having a great satellite signal, we relaxed and watched Andy Murray, at the same time a group of seagulls were harassing a Sea Eagle, down by the water about 50 yards away (too quick to get a pic). Ironically, a whole bunch of Twitchers with cameras and telescopes missed the action right under their nose

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