Friday 9 July 2010

Day 60 Balloch to Turnberry 102mls

Robbie Burns Birthplace Alloway
Brig O'Doon from Tam O'Shanter
The Old Kirk
Lighthouse at Turnberry
Ailsa Craig from Turnberry Beach

After a 10pm walk round Balloch last night we realised that we are back in civilisation. Cars, shops, restaurants, roundabouts, dual carriageways - all the things we have not seen in any quantity over the last 8 weeks.
Steady rain this morning, so set off at 9.30 aiming to get somewhere nice for the evening. Drove over the Erskine bridge, then through Greenock, Largs and Irvine without stopping. Past the golf course at Royal Troon, the rain still falling, then through Ayr to Alloway where we decided to stop for lunch. It also turned out to be the birthplace of Robbie Burns. Enjoyed a visit the the National Trusts house, visitor centre, Brig O'Doon and old church which featured in his story "Tam O'Shanter".
Still raining, so pressed on to Culzean which looked a good place to stay but 2 sites were full so had no choice but to continue! Past Ayr and Turnberry so we have ended up at a small site attached to a cafe by the beach (may be a job to keep Ross out of there in the morning as they do a full English, or should I say Scottish). A long walk down the beach once the rain had stopped then back for our M&S curry. Disaster, we have run out of LPG! Ross spotted a canister next to the cafe and "borrowed" it till the morning!

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