Monday 31 May 2010

Day 20 Brora

Dry, but a bit chilly and windy this morning. We decide to play golf but can only play in the afternoon as there is a comp on. So we go on a walk with the Taz along the beach and suddenly realise we are in the middle of nesting Arctic Terns.
Having looked at the map we can see there is a track going round Loch Brora that looks great for biking so we decide to do that instead. Seemed like a good idea at the time! 14 miles, of which 7 was on farmland, over a rickety bridge that was only built for midgets (without bikes), but the scenery was fantastic. We finished and just about made it back to the site before everything siezed up!
At the start
Near the end
Had an amble down the deserted beach at 9.45 (it stays light up here till about midnight), and when I tried to jump over a bit of running water making its way to the sea, I ended up on all fours!!! Jelly legs!!

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