Sunday 12 September 2010

Day 8, Caernafon to Tudweiliog 30mls

Another fine morning, up nice and early (well, 8ish). Watered dog and selves, and set off on foot to the town, about ten minutes walk away. Caernafon Castle is another of Edward First's ring of castles around the north Wales coast, and this one is the finest.

Going down

 The investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales was here, and this was our first visit of the day. We arrived as they opened the doors, so were first inside and it was free entry for today only, how lucky are we. After a tour round the ramparts and a few pics it was into town for a coffee.

With the day warming nicely, we set off for the Lleyn penninsula, along the north coast, trying to find a place we stopped at 30yrs ago, with no success, so ended up at a CL on a headland. A bracing walk along the cliffs followed and back for a large glass of red.

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